Snap Man: Tiger Roundhouse
Snap Man: Tiger Roundhouse
Snap Man: Tiger Pool and Play Area
Snap Man: Rescued African Lion
Snap Man: African Lion Introduction Area
Snap Man: Lion sleeping in the shadow of a pedestrian walkway.
Snap Man: African Lion Habitat
Snap Man: Black Bear Habitat
Snap Man: Looking west from the pedestrian walkway at Wild Animal Sanctuary
Snap Man: Timber Wolf
Snap Man: Arctic Wolf
Snap Man: Eastern Gray Wolf
Snap Man: Pedestian Walkway
Snap Man: Bolivian Lion House
Snap Man: African Lions rescued from Bolivian circuses
Snap Man: Tiger Habitat
Snap Man: Eastern Gray Wolf Habitat
Snap Man: Arctic & Timber Wolf Habitat
Snap Man: Arctic Wolf
Snap Man: Grizzly in a pond
Snap Man: Grizzlies at play
Snap Man: Grizzly Bear Habitat
Snap Man: Grizzly Bear
Snap Man: Tiger Habitat
Snap Man: African Lion Habitat
Snap Man: African Lion Habitat
Snap Man: African Lion Habitat
Snap Man: African Lion Habitat
Snap Man: Rescued TIger
Snap Man: Romeo the Mountain Lion