Snap Man:
Cilantro Mary cafe
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Steamboat Mountain Natural Food Store
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Cilantro Mary cafe
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The menu at Cilantro Mary
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Ciatono Winery
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Fresh produce from Miller Farms
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Menu at Cilantro Mary's
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Lyons Fork Cafe
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Grow In Peace
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Buffalo Bill's Coffee & Confections
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Mountain view
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Autumn in Colorado
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On the road in Boulder County, Colorado
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Signs at The Stone Cup cafe
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Ronna and Robin at The Stone Cup
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The Stone Cup
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Lyons Fork cafe
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Lyons Fork cafe
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Frozen Dead Guy Days
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Stickers at Whistler's Cafe
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Lyons Fork restaurant
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Heading for the hills
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On the road in Boulder County, Colorado
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Lyons United Methodist Church
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Lyons, Colorado, two months after the flood
Snap Man:
Lyons, Colorado, two months after the flood
Snap Man:
Lyons, Colorado, two months after the flood
Snap Man:
Lyons, Colorado, two months after the flood
Snap Man:
Lyons, Colorado, two months after the flood
Snap Man:
US-36 has reopened, two months after the flood