Snap Man:
Northridge earthquake: outside our bedroom
Snap Man:
Northridge earthquake: our bedroom
Snap Man:
Northridge earthquake: family room. The terrarium is smashed, the corn snake gone.
Snap Man:
Northridge earthquake: blocked door in my den.
Snap Man:
Northridge earthquake: the dining room
Snap Man:
Northridge earthquake: the living room
Snap Man:
Northridge earthquake
Snap Man:
Northridge earthquake
Snap Man:
Northridge earthquake: our shattered front window
Snap Man:
Earthquake damage on Denvonshire at Vassar
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Earthquake damage at Owensmouth and Devonshire
Snap Man:
Waiting for bottled water handouts from Hughes market after the Northridge earthquake.
Snap Man:
Waiting for President Clinton to arrive on his tour of the earthquake damaged areas.
Snap Man:
President Clinton's motorcade in Granada Hills after the Northridge earthquake
Snap Man:
Robin at President Clinton's visit to Granada Hills