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London Dec 12, 2009 - A Quiet Day at Kew Garden by cilla ann
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cilla ann
Teaching Room at Kew Gardens
cilla ann
The Start of the Seed Walk
cilla ann
Seed Walk - Devil's Claw
cilla ann
Seed Walk
cilla ann
Seed Walk
cilla ann
The Christmas carousel
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Kew Palace
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M in the Orangery House built in 1761
cilla ann
M in the Orangery House built in 1761
cilla ann
Wollemi pine - Wollemia nobilis Australia
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Monkey Puzzle Tree - Chili Pine - Aracaria Araocana
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Monkey Puzzle Plant
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Monkey Puzzle Plant
cilla ann
I may be a little bit obsessed with this plant
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The branches to puzzle a monkey
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Could This be the Talking Tree???
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Fogged in Beauty
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Bird of Paradise
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Bird of Paradise
cilla ann
In The Secrete Garden
cilla ann
To Please the outward senses - Beauties in the Secluded Garden
cilla ann
Beauties in the Secluded Garden - Smell
cilla ann
Beauties in the Secluded Garden - Hearing
cilla ann
Beauties in the Secluded Garden - Smell
cilla ann
Beauties in the Secluded Garden -Touch
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Beauties in the Secluded Garden - Sight
cilla ann
Stone Pine - Pinus Pinea
cilla ann
Pathways..... paths we were fortunate to walk
cilla ann
The end of the season
cilla ann
A peaceful life...
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