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Cleveland, Oh Botanical Garden by cilla ann
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cilla ann
Madagascar's Chameleon
cilla ann
Sakura Tree in the Japanese Garden
cilla ann
"You are making so much noise, do you mind?"
cilla ann
Virginia Bells
cilla ann
Flowering Quince
cilla ann
Flowering Quince
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"Betty" Magnolia
cilla ann
Rosy Periwinkle - Catharanthus roseus
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Sakalava Weaver Nests - Ploceus Sakalava
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Madagascar Palm - Pachypodium Lameriei
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Water Tank Tree
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Water Tank Tree
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Butterfly Plant
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Hippeastrum sp commonly known as amaryllis
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A plant who was hitchiking on the trunk of a tree
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The Bud of a New Leaf
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New Leaf Breaking Through
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New Leaf
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The Leaf from the Snake Wood Plant
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Blue Morpho - Morpho peleides
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Butterflies in Flight
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The butterfly is Giant Owl - Caligo Eurilochus. The bird is Violaceur Euphonia.
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Postman - Heliconius melpomene
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I thought this looked like ginger, even though I know it is a cactus
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Blue Bells
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Another Hitchhiking plant. The orchid was growing on the treeSC_9420
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Another Hitchhiking plant. The orchid was growing on the tree
cilla ann
Violaceus Euphonia - Euphonia violacea
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Hosta 'Golden Prayers' - Liliaceae
cilla ann
Happy Earth Day
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