cilla ann: Madagascar's Chameleon
cilla ann: Sakura Tree in the Japanese Garden
cilla ann: "You are making so much noise, do you mind?"
cilla ann: Virginia Bells
cilla ann: Flowering Quince
cilla ann: Flowering Quince
cilla ann: "Betty" Magnolia
cilla ann: Rosy Periwinkle - Catharanthus roseus
cilla ann: Sakalava Weaver Nests - Ploceus Sakalava
cilla ann: Madagascar Palm - Pachypodium Lameriei
cilla ann: Water Tank Tree
cilla ann: Water Tank Tree
cilla ann: Butterfly Plant
cilla ann: Hippeastrum sp commonly known as amaryllis
cilla ann: A plant who was hitchiking on the trunk of a tree
cilla ann: The Bud of a New Leaf
cilla ann: New Leaf Breaking Through
cilla ann: New Leaf
cilla ann: The Leaf from the Snake Wood Plant
cilla ann: Blue Morpho - Morpho peleides
cilla ann: Butterflies in Flight
cilla ann: The butterfly is Giant Owl - Caligo Eurilochus. The bird is Violaceur Euphonia.
cilla ann: Postman - Heliconius melpomene
cilla ann: I thought this looked like ginger, even though I know it is a cactus
cilla ann: Blue Bells
cilla ann: Another Hitchhiking plant. The orchid was growing on the treeSC_9420
cilla ann: Another Hitchhiking plant. The orchid was growing on the tree
cilla ann: Violaceus Euphonia - Euphonia violacea
cilla ann: Hosta 'Golden Prayers' - Liliaceae
cilla ann: Happy Earth Day