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Blooms & Butterflies by cilla ann
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cilla ann
Chomp Chom... I don't think this leaf taste very good.
cilla ann
Sadly I don't know who this guy is.
cilla ann
Common Buckeye - Precis (Junonia) Coenia
cilla ann
Clipper - Parthenos Sylvia Lilancinus
cilla ann
Cattle Heart - Parides iphidamas
cilla ann
All stretched out and drying in the breeze.
cilla ann
Go On now.... Nothing here to see, Just us leaves hanging out.
cilla ann
Netting was provided to allow you to take them out of the containers.
cilla ann
This guy was was absolutely beautiful and turquoise blue inside.
cilla ann
This little girl was so proud that her butterfly landed on her head.
cilla ann
Siproeta Stelenes (Malachite)
cilla ann
Pretty and Gold
cilla ann
I thought this guy looked like he was fuzzy, sorry I don't know his name.
cilla ann
I thought this guy looked like he was fuzzy, sorry I don't know his name.
cilla ann
cilla ann
Paper Kite & Not sure who the other guy is
cilla ann
The Paper Kite on the right was one of our little Butterfly's
cilla ann
Clipper - Parthenos Sylvia Lilancinus
cilla ann
Paper Kite - Idea Leuconoe
cilla ann
M looking down with such pride.
cilla ann
M releasing his little friend.
cilla ann
Our two children hanging out before flying off into the world.
cilla ann
Trying to wake up
cilla ann
Paper Kite - Idea Leuconoe
cilla ann
This was one of our little Butterfly's that we let into the world.
cilla ann
Mmmmmm.... Yummm Red Gatorade.
cilla ann
Ahhhh.... So Good
cilla ann
This species of butterfly really amazed me, I found myself always wanting to take his photo.
cilla ann
Trying to wake up.
cilla ann
This little guy looked like someone had painted war paint on his black wings.
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