cilla ann: Chomp Chom... I don't think this leaf taste very good.
cilla ann: Sadly I don't know who this guy is.
cilla ann: Common Buckeye - Precis (Junonia) Coenia
cilla ann: Clipper - Parthenos Sylvia Lilancinus
cilla ann: Cattle Heart - Parides iphidamas
cilla ann: All stretched out and drying in the breeze.
cilla ann: Go On now.... Nothing here to see, Just us leaves hanging out.
cilla ann: Netting was provided to allow you to take them out of the containers.
cilla ann: This guy was was absolutely beautiful and turquoise blue inside.
cilla ann: This little girl was so proud that her butterfly landed on her head.
cilla ann: Siproeta Stelenes (Malachite)
cilla ann: Pretty and Gold
cilla ann: I thought this guy looked like he was fuzzy, sorry I don't know his name.
cilla ann: I thought this guy looked like he was fuzzy, sorry I don't know his name.
cilla ann: DSC_7454
cilla ann: Paper Kite & Not sure who the other guy is
cilla ann: The Paper Kite on the right was one of our little Butterfly's
cilla ann: Clipper - Parthenos Sylvia Lilancinus
cilla ann: Paper Kite - Idea Leuconoe
cilla ann: M looking down with such pride.
cilla ann: M releasing his little friend.
cilla ann: Our two children hanging out before flying off into the world.
cilla ann: Trying to wake up
cilla ann: Paper Kite - Idea Leuconoe
cilla ann: This was one of our little Butterfly's that we let into the world.
cilla ann: Mmmmmm.... Yummm Red Gatorade.
cilla ann: Ahhhh.... So Good
cilla ann: This species of butterfly really amazed me, I found myself always wanting to take his photo.
cilla ann: Trying to wake up.
cilla ann: This little guy looked like someone had painted war paint on his black wings.