Kris Krug: Charlotte bloggers & citizen journalists have been prepping a space for 2 years to accommodate independent and alternative media during the democratic national convention
Kris Krug: Founders of #ThePPL prep the stage for throngs of media-makers to descend up on the independent media center they've built for the Democratic National Convention.
Kris Krug: Watching us, watch them... lots of traditional media outlets have sent reporters to cover the story of the rise on online journalism at events like the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte.
Kris Krug: This floor of #ThePPL will be called The Newsroom and is a co-working & collaboration space for 100s of bloggers & citizen journalists.
Kris Krug: I'm helping build an independent media center for The Democratic National Convention. We're the bloggers, artists, filmmakers, photographers & journalists participating in the DNC.
Kris Krug: The mainstream corporate media old-guard is on hand to serve up their pablum version of world events. When all you've got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Kris Krug: Activists, artists, media-media makers and more are planning several direction actions including this March On Wall Street South during the #DNC2012
Kris Krug: Activist organizers meetup before the opening of the Democratic National Convention to strategize how to hack the media to draw attention to important social justice causes.
Kris Krug: Young, digitally savvy, web natives are the future of independent media at major world events like the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte.
Kris Krug: Sometimes mainstream corporate news outlets do send a cameraman to cover 'alternative' events but they are evolutionarly unequipped to thrive in this environment.
Kris Krug: Media-makers with small, flexible equipment & infrastructure built of lightweight online tools are optiminally adapted to covering the chaotic nature of events like #DNC2012
Kris Krug: Today people "Marched on Wall Street South" in Charlotte at the Democratic National Convention. About 1000 people walked through the Uptown streets raising their voices for peace, justice & equality.
Kris Krug: Media savvy politicians, like Sen. Russ Feingold, realize the online blogger crowd is an important part of their media engagement strategy.
Kris Krug: Design for Obama crowd-sourced original campaign artwork online and produced beautiful screen-printed posters of some of the best designs.
Kris Krug: The DNC brought droves of representatives from independent media but it was also full of mainstream news organizations like Al Jazeera sending bloggers and online reporters to cover the event.
Kris Krug: Independent media + politicians + non-profits & activists is what you'll find at #ThePPL (the hub for bloggers and online media at the DNC). Here are The PPL co-founder Desiree Kane, Sen. Dick Durbin & Netroots Nation's Mary Rickles.
Kris Krug: Students and volunteers from Charlotte and abroad helped #ThePPL pull off an ambitious independent media center. You can't spell "internet" without "intern."
Kris Krug: The PPL, Charlotte's HQ for bloggers & citizen journalists, has been abuzz dusk to dawn with media makers from around the world. #Wifi #Coffee #Collaboration
Kris Krug: Perez Hilton other online celebreties flocked to Charlotte for the DNC. More interesting is the way politicians and PR flacks court online royalty today -- like they once did mainstream media personalities.
Kris Krug: Independent media makers turned into activists over the course of the week as they documented resistance and shared those stories online.
Kris Krug: Guess who's always right in the thick of the action with a steady kind demeanor and a microphone in her hand? For many of you it'll be no big suprise. Amy Goodman!
Kris Krug: Everyone expresses themselves differently but a camera, computer and internet connection keep the barriers very low for individuals to participate in real-time reporting of the events taking place from the streets.
Kris Krug: The "Undocubus" dropped off a bunch of people on the street in front of the #DNC2012. They were there standing up for the rights of migrant workers. They marched through the streets and were arrested for impeding traffic after stopping cars.
Kris Krug: Shortly after being released from jail on $10,000 bond for driving with an expired license, protest organizer Jesse James Taylor swung by #ThePPL to talk to the media.
Kris Krug: Bill Clinton gave a rousing speech on night two of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte. At the end, to the surprise of the audience and media and, who knows maybe even Clinton himself, Obama came out and gave him a big hug.