Kris Krug:
Caught our limit before the sun went down
Kris Krug:
Time to fire up the smoker. Winter salmon fishing on Galiano Island is heating up! :)
Kris Krug:
Sorry for cancelling all those meetings today guys
Kris Krug:
Me & @catchsalmon been in the thick of the winter salmon fishing action off the coast of Galiano Island
Kris Krug:
Got our gear a lil too close to the bottom
Kris Krug:
Best fishing of my whole life right now... 12 Fraser River sockeye salmon in half day of fishing. We lost about as many as we caught too. We're using single barbless hooks thes days and sockeye have soft lips and gums so it takes quite a bit of finese to
Kris Krug:
Meaghan's turning into quite the respectable fisherpeep. Landed 3 or 4 sockeye today by her own self, cut a fishes head off and are some roe with me right on dock! #swoon
Kris Krug:
Plenty of Fish Dot Fucking Org Slash Asm
Kris Krug:
Leading the pack in the ole Barney Higgs Invitational fishing derby
Kris Krug:
Two in the boat in the first half hour. Things are really heating up our here. I'm hanging with the head of the Pacific Salmon Foundation who says fish returns are gonna be legendary this year. Best ever.
Kris Krug:
So hard to leave Galiano Island in the summertime but duty calls. Headed to #SFO tonight. Back in #BC in a week. PS. First ever Chinook Salmon vs King Fisher tshirt photo. w00t! :)
Kris Krug:
Nice part about having business meetings on fishing boats is you don't have to go out for dinner and drinks after
Kris Krug:
Biggest chinook salmon of the year
Kris Krug:
Happy to be back in the loving arms of Captain Ryan Fishkiller
Kris Krug:
Fish and chips night on Galiano Island.... 10lb ling cod straight outta the Salish Sea
Kris Krug:
To the bottom of the sea!!!
Kris Krug:
When the goin gets tough, the tough go fishin'
Kris Krug:
Dear clients who are wondering why it's Monday AM And my deliverables aren't in your inbox. A salmon are my laptop! JK. I'm aboard the photo editing slaveship now and am busy tapping, clicking and typing my way back into your good graces! :)
Kris Krug:
Captain Ryan Fishkiller of Salish Sea Charters
Kris Krug:
Two Coho and this purty 12 pound Spring Salmon in one hour of rainy spring fishin'
Kris Krug:
Plenty of fish dot com
Kris Krug:
Girlfriend, fish & father
Kris Krug:
That's why it's called 'fishing', not 'catching'. Some days it's just a boat ride.
Kris Krug:
In the salmons trail. Seals and eagles everywhere! #GalianoIsland
Kris Krug:
Cap'n Ryan Fishkiller gettin er done Galiano Island style #bctough
Kris Krug:
In search of salmon
Kris Krug:
"When the waves close over me, I dive down to fish for pearls." -- Masha Kaleko
Kris Krug:
Those salmon are in some serious trouble
Kris Krug:
Day 2 - Galiano Island Salmon Fishing Derby
Kris Krug:
Bonus: use yer salmon heads & fish guys to catch Dungeness Crab