Kristina_Hernandez: Heading to the rally up the metro escalator
Kristina_Hernandez: Hey Moron You're Bankrupting us! We will remember in November
Kristina_Hernandez: Dr Ezekiel Emanuel Will See you Now for your End of Life Counseling
Kristina_Hernandez: Abortion is Not Healthcare
Kristina_Hernandez: Character, Charisma, Communism
Kristina_Hernandez: Kill the BIll or Face the November Slaughter
Kristina_Hernandez: Crowd shot
Kristina_Hernandez: Pro-Life vs. Pro-Death
Kristina_Hernandez: No Gov Health, No Gov Abortions
Kristina_Hernandez: Don't Tread on Me
Kristina_Hernandez: Crowd shot
Kristina_Hernandez: For Sale: Congress
Kristina_Hernandez: You can't fix stupid But you can vote it out!
Kristina_Hernandez: Lucky I had cancer last year! (she is doing better by the way)
Kristina_Hernandez: Liberty Not Tyranny
Kristina_Hernandez: Abortion is Not Healthcare
Kristina_Hernandez: Public Servants My Ass
Kristina_Hernandez: It's Time to Drain the Swamp
Kristina_Hernandez: Look Out we're coming to replace you
Kristina_Hernandez: Deemed be Damned
Kristina_Hernandez: American Taxpayers Sent to the Slaughter
Kristina_Hernandez: No More Deal$
Kristina_Hernandez: Party of Hell No