TimelessReports.com: Some people live simple | Indonesia
natur-heimat: Coreus marginatus
Oric1: Hirondelles de rivage (Riparia riparia)
andriot.jac: Scène de pêche sur les étangs Languedociens
natur-heimat: Graphosoma lineatum
tmyfrn: Sunset Mazatlan Mexico
natur-heimat: Carterocephalus palaemon
natur-heimat: Common collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris), in the wild
Each Moment the Universe: Black-and-White Warbler
Frode Falkenberg: Common Eider
waselijah: Osprey
kevinoconnor37: White-faced Heron
michael.beste: Time Warp
ericchevalier: Grèbe castagneux (Podiceps ruficollis)
sErGiO Ornitho, Mais pas que...: Mésange huppée (Lophophanes cristatus)
mfsantosphotography: stainless handrail
andriot.jac: Bergeronnette des ruisseaux
gormjarl: It's blooming in the square, Kristiansand.
bobby 3 dog: IMG_5498.2024.1atbf.Squirrel ... Framed.
kevinoconnor37: Princess Parrot
stefan.giemza: Pluszcz - Wasseramsel
andriot.jac: Bergeronnette juvénile
spot-the-pigeon: Harris Hawk
Ron Vipond: Just Landed
dinizmrv: Plain-bellied emerald (Chrysuronia leucogaster)
davdenic: Gundam
dinizmrv: Swallow-tailed Hummingbird ( Eupetomena macroura)