Kasinfoto: DSC_1033
Kasinfoto: Girlfriend and dog
Kasinfoto: Anne-Lie och Sid
Kasinfoto: Leonberger The Gentle Giant
Kasinfoto: Mobile upload
Kasinfoto: Leonberger love
Kasinfoto: Anne-Lie and Sid
Kasinfoto: She got blues
Kasinfoto: Cartoonies
Kasinfoto: Anne-Lie in sunlight
Kasinfoto: Sunlight, winter and 70-200 / explore #35 22/1-15
Kasinfoto: Demon to some, angel to others.
Kasinfoto: Why so serious?
Kasinfoto: Rainy Days
Kasinfoto: And yet another one
Kasinfoto: Sunday, bloody Sunday
Kasinfoto: Mobile upload Shot with 70-200 f2.8
Kasinfoto: Anne-Lie and Sid
Kasinfoto: So cold
Kasinfoto: Same photo as yesterday, but with color
Kasinfoto: Had a little project in my head. Bit cold in the water I think, but hey atleast its not ice :P
Kasinfoto: But first, let us take a selfie
Kasinfoto: Sid och Anne-Lie
Kasinfoto: We love forestwalks
Kasinfoto: Anne-Lie and Molle
Kasinfoto: When there's no more room in Hell, the dead will walk the earth.
Kasinfoto: Anne-Lie and Sid