WORLDS APART PHOTO: above the corn
WORLDS APART PHOTO: shovel leaning against Amish barn
WORLDS APART PHOTO: turning the hay
WORLDS APART PHOTO: Amish school and adjoining windmill outback.
WORLDS APART PHOTO: above an Amish home
WORLDS APART PHOTO: cemetery windmill on the way to Kingston
WORLDS APART PHOTO: wethered barn on an English farm in Amish area of Kingston, WI
WORLDS APART PHOTO: bold contrast between the red building and yellow gantry
WORLDS APART PHOTO: tall tower pano
WORLDS APART PHOTO: Amish drive way
WORLDS APART PHOTO: small engine repair complex
WORLDS APART PHOTO: behind the silo
WORLDS APART PHOTO: behind a large Amish homestead
WORLDS APART PHOTO: 3 new modern windmills out back of one room school house.
WORLDS APART PHOTO: Well pooped! One on the homeward journey from Kingston.
WORLDS APART PHOTO: standing tall
WORLDS APART PHOTO: large Amish farm
WORLDS APART PHOTO: Amish farm gate
WORLDS APART PHOTO: Tall shadow caster
WORLDS APART PHOTO: right out back
WORLDS APART PHOTO: down below the ridge
WORLDS APART PHOTO: between branches
WORLDS APART PHOTO: alongside an Amish farmhouse
WORLDS APART PHOTO: hut in the woods
WORLDS APART PHOTO: across the field