KiwifruitFi: Good dogs!
KiwifruitFi: Almost home...
KiwifruitFi: Valley vista
KiwifruitFi: The last of the agapanthus
KiwifruitFi: You've got mail
KiwifruitFi: High on the hill is home
KiwifruitFi: Peta checks us out
KiwifruitFi: Home sweet home
KiwifruitFi: Us and our shadows
KiwifruitFi: Dairy country
KiwifruitFi: The tarseal begins here
KiwifruitFi: Toe toe sky
KiwifruitFi: Ooooh, smells good
KiwifruitFi: It's all downhill from here
KiwifruitFi: Time for the fertiliser
KiwifruitFi: The shed that's good for nothing
KiwifruitFi: Toe toe grass waving
KiwifruitFi: Walk this way
KiwifruitFi: Dried up verge
KiwifruitFi: Over the gate and far away
KiwifruitFi: How green is our valley
KiwifruitFi: Curious sheep
KiwifruitFi: Off we go...
KiwifruitFi: Flax flower silhouette