KiwifruitFi: Waiting for the right wave
KiwifruitFi: Seagull sentinel
KiwifruitFi: Fishful thinking
KiwifruitFi: A stroll down New Brighton Pier
KiwifruitFi: New Brighton Beach
KiwifruitFi: Seagull party
KiwifruitFi: Ready for a surf
KiwifruitFi: A walk along New Brighton Beach
KiwifruitFi: The Pier, New Brighton
KiwifruitFi: Rain on ebony
KiwifruitFi: Please enter Knox Presbyterian Church
KiwifruitFi: Knox Presbyterian Church
KiwifruitFi: Chocolate Chippie time
KiwifruitFi: Redbilled Seagull
KiwifruitFi: Catching a curl
KiwifruitFi: New Brighton Pier in mono
KiwifruitFi: Reflections of the ones I love