KiwifruitFi: Flying saucer cloud
KiwifruitFi: The view on the road to Lewis Pass
KiwifruitFi: Cheery cherries
KiwifruitFi: A concoction of cherry blossom
KiwifruitFi: Spring in Hanmer Springs
KiwifruitFi: Spring sihouettes
KiwifruitFi: The last of the daffodils
KiwifruitFi: Pink coat blue sky green trees
KiwifruitFi: The alpine view from Alpine View
KiwifruitFi: White daff dance
KiwifruitFi: Meandering river
KiwifruitFi: The exhaustion of being a lamb
KiwifruitFi: Merino mums and lambs
KiwifruitFi: Over yonder is a mountain or two
KiwifruitFi: Snow gleaming
KiwifruitFi: Eventually the mountains will come to meet you
KiwifruitFi: So, whatcha doin'?