Kiwifirst (Lee): HBW- Late entry
Kiwifirst (Lee): HBW - Lake Flowers
Kiwifirst (Lee): SpringLakeFlowers
Kiwifirst (Lee): Beauty in Pink
Kiwifirst (Lee): HBW - Cheers Bokeh friends
Kiwifirst (Lee): Orange sunshine
Kiwifirst (Lee): Summer Haze
Kiwifirst (Lee): HBW- Spaghetti Friends
Kiwifirst (Lee): Neighborist botanicus aka The neighbors' flowers
Kiwifirst (Lee): Black and White Bokeh
Kiwifirst (Lee): Sometimes it pays not to focus on any one thing
Kiwifirst (Lee): DogWood Blossom in Afternoon sun
Kiwifirst (Lee): HBW tablecloth
Kiwifirst (Lee): GeorgiaGrass
Kiwifirst (Lee): Weeds in Stone quarries
Kiwifirst (Lee): Someone always stands out in a crowd
Kiwifirst (Lee): There is beauty everywhere
Kiwifirst (Lee): On the green at sunset
Kiwifirst (Lee): Lake side sunsets
Kiwifirst (Lee): Cleveland without you're glasses on
Kiwifirst (Lee): DownTown Cleveland
Kiwifirst (Lee): Cleveland PuffBalls
Kiwifirst (Lee): Hotel Carpark flowers
Kiwifirst (Lee): B is for Bokeh
Kiwifirst (Lee): July4thTable
Kiwifirst (Lee): Hexagon, hexagons, everywhere
Kiwifirst (Lee): Some of the simplist things make such nice shots
Kiwifirst (Lee): Resistance is Futile, go on, you know you want to........
Kiwifirst (Lee): Make me honey, said the spider to the bee
Kiwifirst (Lee): Bokeh by the pool