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Addis, Ethiopia by kiwi vic
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kiwi vic
St Gabriel Church
kiwi vic
kiwi vic
St Gabriel church
kiwi vic
Injera and curries
kiwi vic
The Pankhurst family connection with Ethiopia
kiwi vic
Holy Trinity Church
kiwi vic
Holy Trinity Church
kiwi vic
Holy Trinity Church
kiwi vic
Holy Trinity Church
kiwi vic
inside the Holy Trinity church, where Haile Selassie and his wife are entombed
kiwi vic
Entoto Maryam Church
kiwi vic
Entoto, site of the previous capital before Addis
kiwi vic
beasts of burden carrying the goods down the hill
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Amazing how much these women can carry, taking goods to market
kiwi vic
mini buses lines up in the
kiwi vic
cloth and clothing makers, often Dorze, in the Shiro Media area of Addis, in factory buildings
kiwi vic
the weaving floor in a factory building
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National Museum, Addis
kiwi vic
art, National Museum of Ethiopia
kiwi vic
Art, National Museum of Ethiopia
kiwi vic
Art, National Museum of Ethiopia
kiwi vic
Art, National Museum of Ethiopia
kiwi vic
textiles, National Museum of Ethiopia
kiwi vic
Old Photos, National Museum of Ethiopia
kiwi vic
Old Photos, National Museum of Ethiopia
kiwi vic
textiles, National Museum of Ethiopia
kiwi vic
The first and most famous Tomoca coffee shop in Addis Ababa
kiwi vic
Shola Market, dusty and sprawling
kiwi vic
Shola Market, singer sewing
kiwi vic
Shola Market, home made butter
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