Kitzzy: MaryLynn setting up transition
Kitzzy: Ready to go!
Kitzzy: Death march to the lake :)
Kitzzy: Sunrise photo op
Kitzzy: Oh no! Will we get eaten by alligators?
Kitzzy: Nah! We'll be fine. Rock on!
Kitzzy: Heading to swim start
Kitzzy: Pre-race sunrise briefing
Kitzzy: And we're off!
Kitzzy: "Swimming"
Kitzzy: Swim Exit
Kitzzy: Oh no! Can't let him catch me!
Kitzzy: Kelly is first out of the water
Kitzzy: Kitzzy out of the water
Kitzzy: Still having fun! :)
Kitzzy: Run Kitzzy Run
Kitzzy: MaryLynn out of the water
Kitzzy: MaryLynn having fun -- beating that guy ;)
Kitzzy: T1
Kitzzy: Kelly has no time to waste
Kitzzy: Go Kelly Go!
Kitzzy: Go MaryLynn Go!
Kitzzy: Finishing Bike Leg
Kitzzy: Who called my name?
Kitzzy: Starting run
Kitzzy: Kelly finishing the bike leg
Kitzzy: Kelly finishing the bike leg
Kitzzy: Kelly still having fun :)
Kitzzy: Kelly: "I'm going to catch you MaryLynn!"
Kitzzy: Run MaryLynn Run!