Kitzzy: Taking a break from smiting mortals
Kitzzy: "Woah, is that a camera!?"
Kitzzy: Drunk Roo
Kitzzy: Hip gNinja
Kitzzy: "The actual retail price is ..."
Kitzzy: "Remember, help control the pet population, get your pet spade or neutered."
Kitzzy: Gansta Roo
Kitzzy: I'm thirsty
Kitzzy: I'm Hungry
Kitzzy: Kool Aid
Kitzzy: Yumm
Kitzzy: Goddess in Disguise
Kitzzy: "Away blood-sucking vamp"
Kitzzy: Rock n' Roll ... Yeah baby!
Kitzzy: Pardon me
Kitzzy: Lego Love
Kitzzy: Beer is to Jason as Spinich is to Popeye
Kitzzy: Beer doesn't agree with him
Kitzzy: Vampire Slayer
Kitzzy: Vampire Attack
Kitzzy: Oh no! She go me!
Kitzzy: Innocence
Kitzzy: Pencil Sketch
Kitzzy: Holly
Kitzzy: "No Comment"
Kitzzy: Behind the scenes of The Price Is Right
Kitzzy: Spider Friend
Kitzzy: Spider Foe
Kitzzy: Merry Lego Man
Kitzzy: Lego Man