Kit Wong: First sight of Ecuador
Kit Wong: Lovely note
Kit Wong: IMG_9391
Kit Wong: huge passion fruit!
Kit Wong: Go high
Kit Wong: Room WITH a view
Kit Wong: Masphi Lodge
Kit Wong: Masphi Lodge
Kit Wong: IMG_9721
Kit Wong: IMG_9724
Kit Wong: Look at the eyes
Kit Wong: Misty Cloud Forest
Kit Wong: Misty
Kit Wong: Misty morning
Kit Wong: bird study
Kit Wong: Behind the scene - bird close ups were taken by iPhone by our guide Fernando
Kit Wong: Misty
Kit Wong: Sky ride
Kit Wong: That poetic
Kit Wong: Look at the eyes!
Kit Wong: Masphi Cloud Forest
Kit Wong: Cloud Forest
Kit Wong: Cloud Forest
Kit Wong: How could they be that beautiful?
Kit Wong: IMG_9983a
Kit Wong: How could they be that beautiful?
Kit Wong: Quito
Kit Wong: Arriving Galapagos!!
Kit Wong: North Seymour Island