Kit Wong: On the Road
Kit Wong: 火焰山
Kit Wong: 塔克拉瑪干沙漠公路入口
Kit Wong: 塔克拉瑪干沙漠
Kit Wong: Morning Glory - 庫爾勒清晨
Kit Wong: Xinjiang Typical - 黑頭羊
Kit Wong: Omega
Kit Wong: Sky View
Kit Wong: On the Road Scenery
Kit Wong: On the Road Scenery - Olympics!
Kit Wong: On the Road Scenery
Kit Wong: On the Road Scenery - Shadow of Cloud
Kit Wong: Xinjiang Typical
Kit Wong: Magic hour @ 庫爾勒傍晚
Kit Wong: 胡楊木
Kit Wong: Road lines
Kit Wong: On the Road Scenery
Kit Wong: Roadside Picnic
Kit Wong: Toilet time + lunch time
Kit Wong: Road
Kit Wong: rest in line
Kit Wong: Heart shape cloud
Kit Wong: Toilet in the middle of nowhere
Kit Wong: Road 茫茫
Kit Wong: plate v clean from the very beginning
Kit Wong: Road no. 5?
Kit Wong: Bauhinian Rhapsody
Kit Wong: Toyota 4500
Kit Wong: Road
Kit Wong: On the Road Scenery