feather creative:
feather creative:
.a bluebird's winter cabin
feather creative:
.curly ice
feather creative:
.snow falling on cedars
feather creative:
.a tiny winter storm
feather creative:
feather creative:
.snow in the garden.
feather creative:
.terra tree.
feather creative:
.winter in the garden.
feather creative:
.a hike through the fluffy water.
feather creative:
.tiny abode.
feather creative:
.mighty oak
feather creative:
.my little chickadee
feather creative:
.a glittery vista
feather creative:
.icey insulation
feather creative:
.a distant gate
feather creative:
.a bit of green
feather creative:
.the red speck
feather creative:
.an unfocused cardinal
feather creative:
.my cover is blown
feather creative:
.snowdoll in her shell hat
feather creative:
a wide angle red oak
feather creative:
.an acorn beret perhaps?
feather creative:
a snow laden path
feather creative:
make an entrance
feather creative:
snow capped thistle seed pod
feather creative:
snow puff!
feather creative:
dressed up cedars
feather creative:
the red shed and the wagon wheel