kittypinkstars: Today I've been making cards for family and friends xxx
kittypinkstars: Cards on their way to my friends...
kittypinkstars: Family cards for the people we don't see so much....
kittypinkstars: 5 years!!!! It's true! Time does fly when you're having fun! Happy anniversary to my apocalyptic boy from your unicorn queen!
kittypinkstars: 3 identical cards! Woah now I'm cross eyed!
kittypinkstars: No more overtime... Time for bed!
kittypinkstars: This afternoons work.. So far!
kittypinkstars: Today's work...... So far!
kittypinkstars: Sneaky peek at a recent custom Christmas card....
kittypinkstars: Christmas card orders...
kittypinkstars: Orders....
kittypinkstars: Red.... It's that time of year! Get the decs out!