kittyireland: 3-3-08 photo of the day
kittyireland: 1-27-08 photo of the day
kittyireland: 1-5-08 photo of the day (5)
kittyireland: hallowindow
kittyireland: chair in room @ sequim west inn
kittyireland: crab shell - beach #2 la push
kittyireland: stuck on the wrong side of the tracks
kittyireland: the hat of the hat'n'boots
kittyireland: table of matrimony
kittyireland: chair carved by grandpa frank - age 10 (1936)
kittyireland: lemon perrier moldy lemon
kittyireland: additions to my collection of rocks
kittyireland: Bilbao
kittyireland: Bilbao
kittyireland: Bilbao
kittyireland: Barcelona
kittyireland: Jade Pagoda cupcake
kittyireland: Airsteam windows
kittyireland: IMG_5088.jpg