Kitty Vane: Pertti
Kitty Vane: Antero
Kitty Vane: Maisa
Kitty Vane: A whole herd
Kitty Vane: Sneak peek
Kitty Vane: Mr Boxu Foxu
Kitty Vane: Miss Buttons shows off some fabric
Kitty Vane: Miss Buttons
Kitty Vane: Give-Away!
Kitty Vane: Ginger the rag-gingerbread girl
Kitty Vane: Fresh from the oven, ready to be given away
Kitty Vane: Bear the teddy bear
Kitty Vane: Twinkle twinkle
Kitty Vane: Sneak peek
Kitty Vane: Getting ready for Luv-able & Hug-able
Kitty Vane: luvhug-outtake
Kitty Vane: Waiting to go/for snow
Kitty Vane: Snowflake inspector
Kitty Vane: snowdrift
Kitty Vane: The Rag-Snowflakes
Kitty Vane: Snow mail
Kitty Vane: The Snowflake Guardian
Kitty Vane: packaging is exhausting
Kitty Vane: I used to be trousers!
Kitty Vane: Bluebeary
Kitty Vane: soft toy making course
Kitty Vane: making an elephant
Kitty Vane: waiting for the bus
Kitty Vane: The Bear and The Pussy-cat