kitty27: ONG skull
kitty27: one of my stickers
kitty27: bus stop kitty
kitty27: Cycle kitty
kitty27: permit kitty
kitty27: neighbourhood kitty
kitty27: rookie
kitty27: paste ups&stickers
kitty27: overdose of stickers!!
kitty27: and more stickers!!!
kitty27: falling to pieces
kitty27: cool ones
kitty27: big smile
kitty27: more cool graffiti
kitty27: stencils
kitty27: weird face
kitty27: stencil
kitty27: lucky boy
kitty27: pure evil& selph
kitty27: zone ends
kitty27: scary stuff
kitty27: nylon
kitty27: big paste up
kitty27: love it
kitty27: stickers on the green box
kitty27: skull bomb
kitty27: all white
kitty27: sticker combo
kitty27: at the end of the tunnel
kitty27: nylon piece