Kitty250: Tiny Baby Avery.
Kitty250: Bug eyes - oh my Lord.
Kitty250: Big yawn!
Kitty250: Avery Renee Wagenhals
Kitty250: Watchin' football.
Kitty250: Passed out!
Kitty250: Snoozin.
Kitty250: Shannon wouldn't let Avery sleep!
Kitty250: Sisters, Moms, and Daughters
Kitty250: Baby Avery and Steph's baby picture look exactly the same except that Avery's eyes are a little bigger.
Kitty250: "Must Not Sleep....Must Not Sleep"
Kitty250: Finally she fell asleep on Mom.
Kitty250: Exhausted Avery.
Kitty250: Big Foot. Right here.
Kitty250: Avery has HUGE feet.
Kitty250: Her new favorite toy.
Kitty250: Bouncy bouncy
Kitty250: Dancin' to "I'm A Little Tea Pot"
Kitty250: Happy Lyla with Mommy!
Kitty250: Montana thought Lyla had something yummy on her face.
Kitty250: Turns out it was just spit-up.
Kitty250: Lyla loves the dogs!