Kitty250: Pre-SoCo and Lime
Kitty250: Ooooooo!!!!
Kitty250: Drink up Colleen!
Kitty250: Champagne toast!
Kitty250: Tequila for the bride-to-be
Kitty250: Tequila for the bride-to-be
Kitty250: Tequila for the bride-to-be
Kitty250: Tequila for the bride-to-be
Kitty250: Champagne chaser
Kitty250: Free drinks for Colleen!
Kitty250: Laughing
Kitty250: talking...
Kitty250: friendly chat
Kitty250: "Colleen, you are so much fuuuun.."
Kitty250: yeah
Kitty250: laughing
Kitty250: smile!
Kitty250: Kiss me
Kitty250: I dare you!
Kitty250: *shhhh, don't tell....*
Kitty250: ....yeah.....
Kitty250: *yeah*
Kitty250: *whisper whisper whisper*