Kittroid: christmas morning
Kittroid: upstart
Kittroid: walking with the moon
Kittroid: mommy shows us our stocking stuffers
Kittroid: the real excitement
Kittroid: something special is happening here
Kittroid: I want some of that !
Kittroid: "thumbs up!"
Kittroid: the Zoe dance
Kittroid: everyone claps
Kittroid: monsters!
Kittroid: all smiles
Kittroid: everyone's headed off to bed
Kittroid: scrinchy
Kittroid: ginchy
Kittroid: squinchy
Kittroid: goofy
Kittroid: pinchy
Kittroid: winsey
Kittroid: striking a pose
Kittroid: going for green
Kittroid: going for a walk
Kittroid: tired of this walk
Kittroid: happy we are walking!
Kittroid: shh, I'm hiding !
Kittroid: giggles in the tub
Kittroid: this would be the "splosh" ...
Kittroid: loving the bath