tkmrabbits: putting back together
tkmrabbits: the front of the store
tkmrabbits: compass-rose parquet floor-in progress
tkmrabbits: removed shingles-built in windows
tkmrabbits: props
tkmrabbits: getting there
tkmrabbits: floor not done yet
tkmrabbits: WAY TOO MANY HOURS !
tkmrabbits: moorish style bathroom
tkmrabbits: sink view-
tkmrabbits: view into the powder room
tkmrabbits: powder room door
tkmrabbits: antiqued floors-second layer of wax
tkmrabbits: getting the wall made
tkmrabbits: cardboard tubes for fabric rolls
tkmrabbits: wallpaper rolls
tkmrabbits: noir
tkmrabbits: starting the second floor
tkmrabbits: silk fabric sample book
tkmrabbits: loads of beautiful fabrics
tkmrabbits: poor jewelly -i put her to work making fabric rolls
tkmrabbits: first light
tkmrabbits: re-purposed an wardrobe for storage
tkmrabbits: fabric and trims
tkmrabbits: not labeled yet
tkmrabbits: stone tile sample board
tkmrabbits: ceiling beams
tkmrabbits: right side
tkmrabbits: ventian plaster walls
tkmrabbits: wainscoting w/plugins