Magpie Cat: Sieglinda
Magpie Cat: deeleymonkey
Magpie Cat: Buttons
Magpie Cat: Buttons
Magpie Cat: Buttons and Monkeys
Magpie Cat: Buttons hidden in the murky depths
Magpie Cat: Buttons drying
Magpie Cat: Catnip Sockmonkeys
Magpie Cat: Shirtmonster
Magpie Cat: Shirtmonster next to my handbag & keys
Magpie Cat: Shirtmonster on bag
Magpie Cat: Button Obessed Woman in the Area
Magpie Cat: Unfinished Mittens
Magpie Cat: Spicy biscuits, part 1
Magpie Cat: Spicy biscuits, part 2
Magpie Cat: Spicy biscuits, part 3
Magpie Cat: Craft Butterfly Tendencies
Magpie Cat: First mitten complete
Magpie Cat: Susu atari pincushion
Magpie Cat: Bumblebee Scarf
Magpie Cat: Bumble scarf
Magpie Cat: Tomsk's Hat
Magpie Cat: Biccies
Magpie Cat: Some materials for a current project...
Magpie Cat: Stitch Markers
Magpie Cat: Dinner
Magpie Cat: Fluffy...
Magpie Cat: Frogspawn?
Magpie Cat: Hooray for susu atari!