:'D ClowN: 24 months
:'D ClowN: dot line plan
:'D ClowN: 我在公司天氣晴~口~
:'D ClowN: 影遮遮
:'D ClowN: 中國的大人物
:'D ClowN: Chair
:'D ClowN: 迷彩
:'D ClowN: IMG_7959
:'D ClowN: 半支煙
:'D ClowN: I havn't drun...zZZ
:'D ClowN: Cheer~s
:'D ClowN: 03650010
:'D ClowN: IMG_3357
:'D ClowN: Queuing
:'D ClowN: Commiucate 溝通
:'D ClowN: IMG_3064
:'D ClowN: IMG_2848
:'D ClowN: Reflect Bokeh
:'D ClowN: Race
:'D ClowN: 怒髮衝冠,憑闌處、瀟瀟雨歇
:'D ClowN: game till sunset
:'D ClowN: 向天主禱告
:'D ClowN: 32910010
:'D ClowN: 32910021
:'D ClowN: 花の卷 Film's Whirlpool
:'D ClowN: Desserts
:'D ClowN: 10830017
:'D ClowN: The curve of the world