cphoffman42: Butterfly Beach House Pool and Dove
cphoffman42: View of Castries Harbour from Butterfly Beach House patio
cphoffman42: View of Castries Harbour from Butterfly Beach House patio
cphoffman42: Rain Patio, Butterfly Beach House
cphoffman42: Pool, Butterfly Beach House
cphoffman42: Schooner in the fog
cphoffman42: Patio, Butterfly Beach House
cphoffman42: Patio, Butterfly Beach House
cphoffman42: Getting ready to dye eggs
cphoffman42: Eggs and Dye
cphoffman42: Egg Dye
cphoffman42: Dying the eggs
cphoffman42: Eggs!
cphoffman42: Easter Eggs!
cphoffman42: Easter Eggs!
cphoffman42: Easter Eggs!
cphoffman42: IMGP4855.jpg
cphoffman42: Easter Eggs!
cphoffman42: Easter Eggs!
cphoffman42: La Toc Beach
cphoffman42: View up the coast from La Toc Beach
cphoffman42: Surf is rough
cphoffman42: Sunset from the Patio, Butterfly Beach House
cphoffman42: IMGP4875.jpg
cphoffman42: Volcano!
cphoffman42: View of the Pitons from the car
cphoffman42: Sulphur Springs
cphoffman42: Boiling pools at the Sulphur Springs
cphoffman42: Boiling pools at the Sulphur Springs
cphoffman42: Waterfall and stream feeding into the Sulphur Springs