cphoffman42: IMGP0522
cphoffman42: IMGP0524
cphoffman42: IMGP0532
cphoffman42: IMGP0533
cphoffman42: Gull, Carl Schurz Park, New York
cphoffman42: Gull, Carl Schurz Park, New York
cphoffman42: Hopping Gull
cphoffman42: Roosevelt Island Lighthouse with Gull in foreground
cphoffman42: Gull with Roosevelt Island Lighthouse in background
cphoffman42: Central Park Hawk
cphoffman42: Goose in Flight, Central Park
cphoffman42: IMGP0441
cphoffman42: Gull standing on post, Roosevelt Island, New York
cphoffman42: Line of Gulls
cphoffman42: Pigeons under the 59th Street Bridge
cphoffman42: IMGP0552
cphoffman42: Ducks, Williamsburg, VA
cphoffman42: Ducks with Shadows, Williamsburg, VA
cphoffman42: Duck, Williamsburg, VA
cphoffman42: Union Square Pigeon
cphoffman42: Union Square Pigeon
cphoffman42: Union Square Squirrel and Pigeons
cphoffman42: IMGP2145
cphoffman42: Squirrel eating a peanut, Union Square, New York City
cphoffman42: Union Square Squirrel and Pigeons
cphoffman42: IMGP2157
cphoffman42: Eating lunch in the shade
cphoffman42: Crow, Cavendish Beach
cphoffman42: Osprey
cphoffman42: Sea Gull, Boston Harbor