KitnMike: Yeah, baby!
KitnMike: many chins, by Isaac
KitnMike: Palace of Fine Arts
KitnMike: pendulums at the Exploratorium
KitnMike: interested by tired
KitnMike: making funnel designs
KitnMike: in the kaleidescope room
KitnMike: so many boyz!
KitnMike: Exploratorium exploring
KitnMike: Sati - about to turn 6
KitnMike: Le Vie Boheme
KitnMike: SF billboard
KitnMike: DSCF2329
KitnMike: Sati and Isaac get a private Naan-making lesson
KitnMike: pressing down the dough
KitnMike: we picked the right Indian restaurant!
KitnMike: naan techniques
KitnMike: flattening it out
KitnMike: DSCF2336
KitnMike: Isaac's bread going in the oven
KitnMike: excited about their bread
KitnMike: at Rosoi's in the Mission
KitnMike: intent on something
KitnMike: Beth and 1/2 Greg
KitnMike: when the kids get ahold of the camera...
KitnMike: Kitty, Beth & Sati
KitnMike: riding laps around his mom
KitnMike: there go my boyz
KitnMike: fire boat and Bay Bridge
KitnMike: curious