KitnMike: Serious business
KitnMike: Mary, Mary, Mary
KitnMike: Even the straightest laced among us can become UNkempT in the face of a few wine tastings
KitnMike: Lady, lemme give you a piece o my mind - that movie sucked - I'm talking I'd rather sit through a Kevin Cosner film
KitnMike: Under other circumstances, we could be friends
KitnMike: Look, I'm not playing
KitnMike: So many pills, so little time
KitnMike: the drive home from Sonoma
KitnMike: River Village Resort
KitnMike: the sign says it all
KitnMike: middle o nowhere (aka Tomales, CA)
KitnMike: tree hugger
KitnMike: Poetry is all about style
KitnMike: ...and angst
KitnMike: who's toes are those?
KitnMike: all hail the poets
KitnMike: Smells like Teen Spirit
KitnMike: Just because you are on vacation, there's no need to leave the power tie at home
KitnMike: Stop and smell the poppies
KitnMike: skipping through the fields?
KitnMike: heads
KitnMike: Kitty over a barrel
KitnMike: the heavens speak
KitnMike: How are you feeling today?
KitnMike: curious
KitnMike: playful
KitnMike: sultry
KitnMike: innocent