KitnMike: on the verge of giggles
KitnMike: Isaac contemplates his new friend
KitnMike: Ella decides Iz is getting too much camera time
KitnMike: cutie peas
KitnMike: Ella calls for backup
KitnMike: E & I revisited
KitnMike: Ella and Isaac
KitnMike: ella
KitnMike: joyfully eating the giant pink cat
KitnMike: second Merry-Go-Round ride
KitnMike: Schenley Park
KitnMike: first Merry-Go-Round ride
KitnMike: Ella Mae
KitnMike: caught at something?
KitnMike: Gimme the truck and no one gets hurt
KitnMike: playing keep away with the truck
KitnMike: And it has great suspension!
KitnMike: Ella not giving up on the trucks
KitnMike: This is Ella Mae reporting. Back to you Tom, in the studio...
KitnMike: mischievous eyes
KitnMike: the hat motif continued
KitnMike: the dads and the dudes
KitnMike: focus on the fish crackers
KitnMike: Barb and Ella
KitnMike: Barb Chris and Ella
KitnMike: I see you
KitnMike: hugs
KitnMike: cute in the sunshine
KitnMike: Iz plants one on E
KitnMike: the "brown" ice cream almost gone