kithg: IMG_0475edit
kithg: Belly up to the bar, boy!
kithg: D72C_2020 05 10_0015_edited-2
kithg: D72C_2020 05 09_0215_edited-2
kithg: D72C_2020 05 09_0210_edited-2
kithg: Mama killdeer and baby
kithg: Yellow Rump Warbler In a Branchy Bush
kithg: Canada Goose Afloat in the Morning
kithg: Yellow Rump Warbler in Winter
kithg: The not-so-Mute Swan
kithg: Red-Headed Ducks.
kithg: D72C_20191004_0044
kithg: Sitting Hummer
kithg: D7200_20190727_0114B
kithg: No. 38 - Smiling
kithg: Killdeer
kithg: King of the Pond!
kithg: It's just across the path and down the slope.
kithg: I'd rather not walk, but discretion is the better part of valor.
kithg: Is he gone?
kithg: Squawk!
kithg: Uh-oh, here he comes again!
kithg: The attack
kithg: He's just not in a good mood
kithg: Till Mr. Nasty cruised into view
kithg: A nice morning for a good preen
kithg: My old friend, no. 38
kithg: My old friend, no. 38
kithg: Red Wing Blackbird Takes Off
kithg: Least Tern in Flight