kites182: Canon Photomarathon 2011 Finalist =)
kites182: The Moon- 111111 - 0027
kites182: The Moon- 101411 - 2036
kites182: Full Moon - 101111 - 2110
kites182: The Moon - 101111
kites182: The Moon - 091411
kites182: The Moon - 091211
kites182: Christmas RGB
kites182: Spider 01
kites182: Spider 02
kites182: The Usual CHOCspects
kites182: 111211 Canon Photomarathon entry
kites182: The Moon - 111711
kites182: Pixels
kites182: The Moon - 121011 0144
kites182: The Moon - 121311 - 2113
kites182: The Moon - 121811 - 0159
kites182: Feast of Black Nazarene - 010912
kites182: Praying Mantis
kites182: Praying Mantis on my bag =)
kites182: Tiger Moth (mating)
kites182: Buntot Palos Falls
kites182: for a coin