kissame: seeds!
kissame: on our way
kissame: Pom-pom
kissame: andrew on the gravel pile
kissame: grandpa keith
kissame: new baby tomato plants
kissame: new baby tomato plants
kissame: what a where?
kissame: our bit of land
kissame: our bit of land
kissame: at the potting shed
kissame: me and bo
kissame: bo kisses
kissame: our garden to be
kissame: marking rows
kissame: Andrew plants onions
kissame: Garden: planted and labeled.
kissame: Pretty Flower
kissame: us at the garden
kissame: Alissa at the nursery
kissame: Andrew at the nursery
kissame: this is what baby artichokes look like
kissame: veggie starts
kissame: teensy weensy lettuce. look close.
kissame: baby dahlias
kissame: baby dahlias
kissame: basil
kissame: butter crunch lettuce
kissame: apple mint
kissame: home flowers