kissame: kiss on a column
kissame: look. its tall.
kissame: my legs will hurt THIS much tomorrow!!
kissame: from the top of the astoria column
kissame: view from the top of the astoria column
kissame: climbing the astoria column
kissame: if i look a little crazy, it's because i'm eating breakfast in a swing. indoors.
kissame: feet and sand
kissame: Men.
kissame: mini golf!
kissame: mini golf
kissame: mini golf
kissame: seals at the seaside aquarium
kissame: seals at the seaside aquarium
kissame: seals at the seaside aquarium
kissame: andrew on top of a big rock in nature
kissame: me and the large rock in nature.
kissame: large rock in nature
kissame: nature!
kissame: stopping for a beach walk on the way back to seaside
kissame: ceramic cow at the cheese factory
kissame: tillamook ice cream at the cheese factory
kissame: we like driving.
kissame: oh oregon coast. so pretty
kissame: seriously look how big the tub was.
kissame: the room, the tub...all very exciting.
kissame: note the grandma floral print comforter. also the fetching fellow on top of it.
kissame: this bathtub was big enough for a party
kissame: eating out
kissame: eating out.