Xatal: Roswell's Final Knight
Xatal: Lone Survivor of the Roswell Chapter, BoS
Xatal: On Stand-by
Xatal: Taking the Fight back to the Zetans
Xatal: Kimmi preparing for the Holidays~
Xatal: BoS Knight Torres, Roswell Chapter
Xatal: Raider chef Kimmi; Concept design
Xatal: Kylie Torres, Brotherhood of Steel Medic
Xatal: "I'm not evil, just creatively opportunistic."
Xatal: "I'm not a thief, I'm a salvager of opportunity."
Xatal: Just another day in the Rockies
Xatal: Kimmi D~
Xatal: This is my Sanctuary - Memoir of a Raider Cook
Xatal: Ethan