Kirsty McLeod: Bald eagle
Kirsty McLeod: American robin
Kirsty McLeod: Belted Kingfisher
Kirsty McLeod: On the alert
Kirsty McLeod: Orca version 2
Kirsty McLeod: MY sedge grass....
Kirsty McLeod: Black bear catching crabs....
Kirsty McLeod: Sea Otter
Kirsty McLeod: the misery of midges.....
Kirsty McLeod: Between a rock and a hard place....
Kirsty McLeod: Milky Way at Ucluelet
Kirsty McLeod: what the hell... lets have another bear.....
Kirsty McLeod: Khutzeymateen estuary at sunrise(ish)
Kirsty McLeod: Baby bear....
Kirsty McLeod: juvenile bald eagle with salmon
Kirsty McLeod: the power of three....
Kirsty McLeod: Bear in the wood.....
Kirsty McLeod: Wading grizzly
Kirsty McLeod: Female Grizzly
Kirsty McLeod: bear in a hurry
Kirsty McLeod: its above you!
Kirsty McLeod: successful catch
Kirsty McLeod: a spot of lunch...
Kirsty McLeod: Blonde bear cub in a sunbeam
Kirsty McLeod: Mother humpback and calf
Kirsty McLeod: spirit bear