Girlypie04: 6. 6th January 2008 - Swan lake
Girlypie04: 14. 14th January 2008 - Kirk Brae
Girlypie04: A pretty winter sunset
Girlypie04: Horses2
Girlypie04: 29th January 2008 - horses in the rain
Girlypie04: Horses1
Girlypie04: I wonder where it leads to?
Girlypie04: Running away from the ducks
Girlypie04: Two little ducks went swimming one day
Girlypie04: Post-meal swim
Girlypie04: Lake at Haddo
Girlypie04: Trip trap, trip trap
Girlypie04: Looking out for more ducks
Girlypie04: Village skyline
Girlypie04: Lake at Haddo
Girlypie04: DSC05794
Girlypie04: DSC05798
Girlypie04: DSC05799
Girlypie04: 30th January 2008 - Haddo Country Park
Girlypie04: Ploughing the field
Girlypie04: Bennachie
Girlypie04: DSC06294
Girlypie04: DSC06297
Girlypie04: 17th February 2008 - Granny, Andrew & Papa
Girlypie04: Being silly
Girlypie04: The Beech Tree
Girlypie04: Snowdrops
Girlypie04: DSC06311
Girlypie04: DSC06310
Girlypie04: DSC06312