Kirsten W: meeting Kenley
Kirsten W: brand new Kenley
Kirsten W: Bill & Kenley
Kirsten W: family time at the hospital
Kirsten W: newborn Kenley
Kirsten W: getting checked out by Lachlan
Kirsten W: Kenley & Aunt Bethany
Kirsten W: first bath at the hospital
Kirsten W: first bath at the hospital
Kirsten W: all swaddled up at the hospital
Kirsten W: Kenley
Kirsten W: Kenley & Aunt Bethany
Kirsten W: Kenley & Aunt Bethany
Kirsten W: with Uncle Thor and grandma-great
Kirsten W: "grandma great" holding Kenley
Kirsten W: visitors at the hospital
Kirsten W: Uncle Thor and Kenley
Kirsten W: IMG_1400
Kirsten W: 4 generations of Aschims
Kirsten W: L lounging with dad
Kirsten W: proud grandma and papa
Kirsten W: Uncle Thor and Aunt Caeli
Kirsten W: leaning in for a kiss
Kirsten W: She's here!
Kirsten W: The proud big brother
Kirsten W: IMG_1443
Kirsten W: leaving the hospital
Kirsten W: loading up for the ride home
Kirsten W: on her way home
Kirsten W: napping in the cradle