Kirsten W: helping with breakfast
Kirsten W: watering the plants
Kirsten W: quilt detail
Kirsten W: water table from above
Kirsten W: button game
Kirsten W: Sunday
Kirsten W: collaborative artwork
Kirsten W: Sadie resting
Kirsten W: visiting the pet store
Kirsten W: 40 weeks pregnant
Kirsten W: the two of us
Kirsten W: hanging with nana and the cousins
Kirsten W: more crochet
Kirsten W: baking helper
Kirsten W: first Flavorice popsicle
Kirsten W: riding the dump truck
Kirsten W: picking out the best cherries
Kirsten W: a stormy night
Kirsten W: the waiting game
Kirsten W: Kenley's first day
Kirsten W: loading up for the ride home
Kirsten W: pop po and Kenley
Kirsten W: yawn
Kirsten W: gathered together
Kirsten W: ice cream date with my boy
Kirsten W: with Aunt Ashley and Jake
Kirsten W: splash!
Kirsten W: just a week old!
Kirsten W: Wendy and Kenley
Kirsten W: checking out mama