kirsten jones: IMG_0629
kirsten jones: Actually, quite like this one!
kirsten jones: IMG_0653
kirsten jones: IMG_0631
kirsten jones: Whoa, completely missed this this top and hope to have some fun with it!
kirsten jones: IMG_0646
kirsten jones: IMG_9901
kirsten jones: 20140223f
kirsten jones: 20140223i
kirsten jones: Still have some from the last batch to upload...
kirsten jones: Well I suppose it would help changing the batteries now and then!!
kirsten jones: Getting frustrated...
kirsten jones: Not trying a natural look...
kirsten jones: Things I'd like to change about myself #2345, to a bit more tidy!
kirsten jones: One day I will master putting a side clip in!!
kirsten jones: IMG_1060
kirsten jones: IMG_1057