Photonfisher: NGC6992 in Narrowband - Ha(Red) OIII(Blue) SII(Green)
Photonfisher: IC434 Horsehead and Flame (False Color Ha)
Photonfisher: IC1311 in Cygnus Ha
Photonfisher: IC410 The Tadpole Nebula in Ha
Photonfisher: IC1848 The Soul Nebula in HaRGB
Photonfisher: NGC1499 The California Nebula in Ha
Photonfisher: IC1396 The Elephant Trunk (Ha)
Photonfisher: IC1805 The Heart Nebula in Ha
Photonfisher: M42 - Great Nebula in Orion (2011)
Photonfisher: IC405 - Flaming Star Nebula
Photonfisher: Horsehead and Flame Nebulae (2011)
Photonfisher: SH2-157 The Lobster Claw
Photonfisher: NGC2174 (Monkey Head Nebula)
Photonfisher: SH2-171 in Cepheus
Photonfisher: Sh2-232 (Sharpless 232)
Photonfisher: NGC6888(Cresent Nebula) 2012
Photonfisher: IC5070 (Pelican Nebula) Head and Neck Region
Photonfisher: The Elephant Trunk Nebula in IC1396
Photonfisher: IC5070 Pelican Nebula (HST Palette)
Photonfisher: North American Nebula and Pelican Nebula (HST Palette)
Photonfisher: Heart & Soul Nebulae (Mosaic) in HST* Palette
Photonfisher: IC 1318 or Gamma Cygni Nebula in HST* Palette
Photonfisher: SH2-171 (NGC7822 and CED 214) in HST* Palette
Photonfisher: M45 (NGC1432) The Pleiades (2012)
Photonfisher: NGC2264 (The Cone Nebula & The Christmas Tree Cluster) (2012)
Photonfisher: IC410 – The Tadpoles HST - 2015
Photonfisher: IC405 in Auriga - Flaming Star Nebula (HST Palette)
Photonfisher: The Soul Nebula (IC1848)
Photonfisher: SH2-157 “The Lobster Claw” in HST Palette
Photonfisher: Merlotte 15 HST (2014)