ex_pandora: de-formation
ex_pandora: hidden collection of dried sage beards
ex_pandora: difficult task
ex_pandora: things after us..
ex_pandora: memory of the black shi(ee)p passing transparent house, staring through transparent window, in one white-filled day
ex_pandora: punctual wedge
ex_pandora: gorgoneion medusa rehearsing behind her shield
ex_pandora: expansion
ex_pandora: transplantation
ex_pandora: hunting
ex_pandora: weight and its lifter II
ex_pandora: weight and its lifter I
ex_pandora: outside
ex_pandora: sycophancy
ex_pandora: clarity
ex_pandora: one and the far horizon
ex_pandora: division
ex_pandora: almost winter. almost snowy mountains. almost moonset. almost sunrise.
ex_pandora: almost bleak.
ex_pandora: spine
ex_pandora: peace bird
ex_pandora: darkness blinds
ex_pandora: sinhole I - before
ex_pandora: sinhole II - during
ex_pandora: sinhole III - after
ex_pandora: celebrity imprints (not holywood ones but local)
ex_pandora: distracted vertical communication IV
ex_pandora: distracted vertical communication III
ex_pandora: distracted vertical communication II
ex_pandora: distracted vertical communication I