kirinqueen: Oatmeal comes out for our first meal U.K. side
kirinqueen: Chinatown gate
kirinqueen: Castlefields sheep
kirinqueen: Castlefields sheepie
kirinqueen: inside the Marble Arch
kirinqueen: Ted quaffs
kirinqueen: true story
kirinqueen: Guy Garvey bought me this drink
kirinqueen: he's back there
kirinqueen: The Temple of Convenience
kirinqueen: looking up at Yorkminster
kirinqueen: looking up at Yorkminster
kirinqueen: iron curlicues
kirinqueen: wooden arches
kirinqueen: all the faces are different
kirinqueen: monkey!
kirinqueen: ouch!
kirinqueen: Oatmeal on the wall
kirinqueen: through the trees
kirinqueen: Yorkminster is hard to miss
kirinqueen: someone's garden, next to the wall
kirinqueen: another view of Yorkminster
kirinqueen: Clifford's Tower
kirinqueen: at the King's Arms, next to the River Ouse
kirinqueen: Oatmeal would have drowned in these floods!
kirinqueen: outside the window of Paul's bedroom
kirinqueen: outside the window of Paul's flat
kirinqueen: outside the window of Paul's flat
kirinqueen: where the Koffee Pot is
kirinqueen: when out of a doorway the tentacles stretch of a song that I know